Friday, February 12, 2010


Well, this blog has been a long time coming. Even before we moved to the US 4 months & 3 days ago, I knew I needed to do this. Call it therapy, call it a journal, call it a record of my life, a way to sort through all that I've experienced, seen, & lived in the past several years. Because now I am here, in what we often referred to as "the land of milk and honey", only it doesn't seem to be flowing with milk OR honey. It seems like a desert....well, it IS a desert, seeing as I'm in Arizona, but it feels like a desert in many other ways as well.

I have been burning to start this journey of remembering, but didn't know where to start. Then yesterday, a dear, dear friend, who sort of just gets things, had a link to an Anderson Cooper blog on her facebook. He was talking about being away from Haiti and said, "I spent last week in New York, but, the truth is, it felt very strange. When you know something monumental is happening so close to our shores, and yet you don't see it on a daily basis – it's an odd disconnect, and it doesn't feel right." And I realized those words described what has been going on inside of me for the past 4 months. Not only do I feel like MY life is going on somewhere else (which is weird enough already), but it seems like there are always so many monumental things going on in life in the DR, that I definitely feel that odd disconnect. I like to refer to it as living in the twilight zone. I KNOW that things around here matter, but at this point, I feel like I'm in a fake world where nothing I do matters and I'm missing out on all the monumental things going on back in my real life. Then I realize this IS my real life and I won't wake up from this dream, so I better start living it and looking for the monumental things happening around me here and be a part of whatever it is that the Lord must be up to around here.

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